After Pooja Bhatt, Bollywood filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt's second daughter has entered showbiz but not as an actress. She is
following in her father's footsteps by assisting director Vikram Bhatt on "Raaz 3".
"My daughter Shaheen begins her journey as an assistant with Vikram Bhatt who was once my assistant!" the proud father posted
on micro-blogging site Twitter.
Vikram Bhatt has returned to Vishesh Films after 2003 to direct part three of the horror franchise "Raaz", which is being made in
The movie stars Emraan Hashmi and Jacqueline Fernandez along with Bipasha Basu, who is also making a comeback to the Bhatt
camp after "Raaz" (2002) and "Jism" (2003). The Bhatts had offered her the lead role in "Murder 2", but she had turned it down.
"Reporting live from 'Raaz 3' set. Today (Sunday) is the first day of our shooting. Bipasha and Emraan are on the sets. Vikram
Bhatt is directing the film. Shagufta Rafique has written 'Raaz 3'. It is a brave script which explores the horrors of the human heart, "
Mahesh Bhatt posted.
Monday, January 30, 2012 12:40 IST