Sushant Singh Rajput, who is already a popular household name, seems to be the talk of the town in the film circuit these days as we hear that he has already received a dozen plus film offers.
Speaking about the stigma against television actors being cast in films, Sushant says, "I was under the belief that the Indian entertainment industry thrives on nepotism and that TV actors have to face prejudice for
being household names. I have been fortunate though that film offers have been coming my way and I have the privilege to choose the right films for myself."
When asked about the kind of film he would want to make his debut with Sushant says, "I am not looking for a film which has me as the hero.
The script has to be the hero. I have trained to mould myself into the requirements of any character or role that I take up -- be it an anti-hero, a boy-next-door or even an underplayed character.
The greater the challenge in the script and the character, the more interesting it becomes for me as I am looking to learn and grow as an actor."
The shower of film offers on Sushant comes as no surprise as he's among the more sought-after actors on TV and has also trained with acting guru Barry John and choreographer Shiamak Davar to become a
complete package. We wonder if there's another star in the making.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012 13:50 IST