The teaser for India's first international dance movie, ‘Someday' was launched last week with a lot of anticipation. Though the teaser has received a lot of good reviews from the audience, the comparison to the international dance movie series ‘Step Up' has been very strong.
However, the lead actor and director of the movie, Saahil Prem, do not like the comparison of ‘Someday' with ‘Step Up'. He says that the movie though of the same
genre has a very different story line. According to Saahil, the essential thought of his movie ‘Someday' is all about motivating the audiences. This very thought has been
portrayed in the form of the B-Boying dance genre.
In spite of all the comparisons with the Step-Up Series, the audience especially all the dance lovers and dancers will be able to connect to the film easily. No matter what, the audience is really proud to have our first international dance movie and are waiting with baited breath for the movie to release.
Friday, February 03, 2012 12:09 IST