Kumar Baadal hopes to cast Ranbir, Shahid or Ranveer as the journalist who conducted much-talked about sting operations for the organisation
After making his first film Valentine's Night with lesser-known actors, journalist-turned-filmmaker Kumar Baadal now wants to make his second film with a bigger star cast.
In fact, he is hoping to rope in Ranbir Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor or Ranveer Singh for the film based on the Tehelka aftermath.
Kumar says, "It's based on the personalised account about what happened to the Tehelka team after Operation West End that exposed BJP leader Bangaru Laxman and others in the NDA Government."
Though the reported scam shocked the country, probably not everyone will know the intricate details. Interestingly, Baadal was one of the founding members of Tehelka, along with Tarun Tejpal and Aniruddha Bahal.
Friday, February 03, 2012 14:43 IST