Mumbai police today said several music channels have assured them that they would abstain from showing "obscene videos of re-mixed songs."
"We had issued notices to prominent channels like MTV, Channel V and ETC as well as other music channels for showing such videos and their representatives appeared
before us and assured that such videos would not be shown," tells DCP Sanjay Apranti.
Apranti said the makers of films like 'Tezaab', `Kamakshi' and `Model' also appeared before police following the notices issued to them over the obsecene posters of the film
that were put up in the city.
"They were co-operative and removed the posters soon after meeting us," he said.
Meanwhile, Manish Makhija, the husband of actress-producer Pooja Bhatt, who was issued notice over obscene posters of her movie `Rog', also appeared before police and
informed that Bhatt is currently abroad and would appear before it as soon as she returns to India, Apranti said.
The statement of the distributor of the film `Rog', Himanshu Brahmbhat, who also appeared before police, was recorded, Apranti said.
The Social Service Branch of Mumbai police had last month issued notices to Bhatt and several other filmmakers over obscene posters of their movies.
Friday, February 18, 2005 13:19 IST