Krishan Choudhery and Vipin Jain's Will You Marry Me, directed by Aditya V Datt, may be making waves, but actor Mughda Godse is working very hard to fend off an unwanted stalker, who seems to be not taking 'No' for an answer when it come to marriage.
A little bird tells us that Mughda is really harassed and that this man first met her when she entered the hotel lobby for Will You Marry Me? at the music launch where he told her he was besotted by her.
"Mugdha moved off smiling thinking it is one of those things you encounter as an actor. When she was going back after the event, he was still waiting at the lobby but did not approach me as she was with friends. But he does not seem to take No for an answer."
Seems, the stalker, a well-to-do businessman, is chasing Mugdha sending her bouquets and even a Valentine's Day world Tour offer via sms!
Says she, "I am really stressed with this stalker issue and would like my peace of mind back."
Though the stalker is after a warning, resorting to blank calls from a private number, Producer Krishan Choudhery in the meantime, has hired two bouncers to be positioned at Mugdha's residence if she wants the same.
"It is our film and hence, our responsibility, but since Mugdha said she would handle this first and inform me in case of need, we are waiting for her nod." he reasons.
As for Mugdha, she prefers that the stalker moves on and lets her peace be.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 12:33 IST