Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu, who ended her nine-year relationship with actor John Abraham last year, says she is currently single as she has no time to date.
The 33-year-old model-turned-actress has been busy lately with back-to-back releases. Beginning the year with 'Players', she is now looking forward to the release of 'Jodi Breakers' this Friday.
"Right now anyone who will date me, will be in trouble. Because I don't have a single minute for anybody," Bipasha said to a fan while chatting via Airtel Talk2Me.
To another caller, Bipasha dished out some advice on how to become an actress.
"Becoming an actress is not an easy job. It needs a lot of talent, hard work and luck... You must have a lot of patience.
"Moreover its always beneficial if you know somebody in the business. You must not feel defeated ever in this field," she said.
Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:01 IST