It took 15 years for Anil Kapoor to say yes to a second film with Priyadarshan. It is unlikely that they will ever work together again. And mind you, both the actor and the director are very fond of one another's work. It is each other's working method that they don't approve of.
Ever wondered why in spite of a resounding collaboration like Viraasat Anil and Priyan didn't come together for so many years? It's because Priyadarshan likes to work without a script.
And Anil does projects only when he is given a hard-bound script.
Says a close friend of Anil's, "To put it bluntly, Priyan and Anil do not see eye to eye.Anil is a studied actor who likes to come fully prepared to the sets. For this he needs the script beforehand. Priyan, on the other hand seldom, if ever, prepares a full script. Most of the time he likes to improvise and work out his scenes on the spot. This is not how Anil likes to work.He turned down every single offer from Priyan until Tezz."
Tezz, we hear was a different kettle of fish. Apparently Priyadarshan had no choice but to write out a full screenplay before shooting.
Says the source, "Priyan needed to shoot in various parts of England including Glasgow on subway and railway stations where permission had to be taken from various authorities. Priyan needed to submit a screenplay to the British authorities for each location that he needed to shoot on. That's how Anil was given a script this time by Priyan."
Even after the script being in place Priyan was constantly improvising and altering scenes at the last minute, thereby throwing the pre-prepared Anil Kapoor off guard.
Reportedly there were constant arguments between the actor and director caused by their antithentical modes of working.
Says the source, "Anil is a method actor whose methodical approach to scenes doesn't work for Priyadarshan.While Ajay Devgn and Suniel Shetty adjusted without any hitches to Priyan's spontaneous working method Anil couldn't take the last-minute changes."
Consequently Anil Kapoor is unlikely to return to Priyadarshan's cinema after Tezz.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 11:46 IST