Bollywood actor Salman Khan, who is a fitness freak and loves to shows off those fabulous abs and bulging biceps, feels he has to
work two to three times more than before to match the new generation.
"I have worked hard for this body. And today I am finding it difficult because however much I have worked in those days, that much
these new kids are working out in today's date.
So I have to work two-three times more, " Salman said at the Cosmopolitan Friends Association event where he came to cheer
physically challenged, abandoned and orphan children.
The actor, who has turned 46, says the more you age, the more hard you need to work out. "When we are young people, used to
forgive all your things and used to say he is a kid. That time we didn't even have to work hard.
But now the more you grow, you have to work harder. You have to look younger; you have to be fitter, run faster, kick higher. All
these things gives you trouble later, " he said.
Salman, who set a trend of being fit in the showbiz, suggests the youth follow a fitness regime.
Monday, March 05, 2012 14:58 IST