Bollywood actor-producer Suniel Shetty says it is important to save heritage sites like the Kumbhalgarh Fort in Rajasthan, for future generations. He feels such sites prove to be good locations for the movie industry.
"Preserving heritage sites is not only important to know your history or tourism development, but also to preserve the culture, " said Suniel.
"The film industry also needs locations every now and then, and places like Kumbhalgarh Fort add flavour to the masala we come up with, " he added.
The 50-year-old supported the cause as he took a heritage walk across the fort, close to the picturesque Udaipur.
The initiative was a collaboration between Miraj group with Archaeological Survey of India, Department of Arts and Culture Tourism, Rajasthan and Rajasthan District Administration. Its main objective was to promote rich heritage, culture and history of Rajasthan and conservation of environment.
Monday, March 19, 2012 14:01 IST