One of the key members of the animation team that added the special effects in Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan starrer film 'Ra. One', Charu Khandal was seriously injured when the auto rickshaw in which she was
travelling was hammered by a speeding Honda City car in the wee hours of Sunday at Mumbai's Oshiwara area.
The accident occurred at around 1 am on Sunday, media reports said.
National Award winning Khandal, who is now battling for life, was returning home with her sister Ritu and friend Vikrant Goyal.
The 28-year-old animator has reportedly suffered multiple fractures in her legs and spine.
The swelling in her spinal cord is preventing doctors from conducting any surgery, reports said.
According to reports, Khandal's sister and friend also suffered from serious injuries. Khandal and others were taken to a private medical facility immediately after the accident.
Manoj Kumar Gautam was reportedly driving the Honda City car in a drunken state. The police arrested him on Sunday for rash and negligent driving. He was later granted bail by the Holiday Court.
Meanwhile, the Bollywood fraternity is worried over the injury of Charu Khandal. Anubhav Sinha, director of Ra.One, said he was extremely saddened by the incident.
Monday, March 26, 2012 15:12 IST