"RA.One" animator Charu Khandal, who has met with a serious road accident, will undergo surgery at the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital later Thursday, a close friend said, adding that she had been planning to get married by the end of the year.
Mauli Singh, a close friend of Charu, told: "Charu will undergo major surgery today. The surgery was supposed to happen at 7.30 in the morning but it got a little delayed. However, the surgery will take place soon."
"Earlier she had a swelling in her body and that is the reason the surgery was put on hold. Today, the doctors feel it is the right day to conduct the surgery."
Neurosurgeon Anand V. Subramaniam will operate on Charu.
Charu met with an accident March 25. A speeding car, with an allegedly drunk driver at the wheel, rammed into the autorickshaw in which she was travelling with her sister and a friend.
The 26-year-old suffered multiple fractures and injuries to her spinal cord in the accident.
"Charu was never in coma. There has been no body movement, but her brain and mind is active. She can see and talk. She is aware of what is happening around her. There was a slight movement in her shoulder from yesterday evening, which is a very good sign," said Singh.
Charu was planning to get married to her fiance Sagar Thacker in November.
"Her fiance Sagar Thackar is in the hospital and is taking care of her. He is running around and taking care of everything. Sagar's family members, who are not from Mumbai, are also here with Charu. They were supposed to tie the knot on November this year," Mauli said.
Friday, March 30, 2012 12:11 IST