"Jannat 2" director Kunal Deshmukh promises sizzling chemistry between the movie's lead actors Emraan Hashmi and Esha
Gupta. He claims that they will be the talk of the town when the film hits the screens.
" 'Jannat 2' is about arms trade, but it's not some serious expose or anything like that. In fact what people should look out for is
the chemistry between Emraan and Esha," said Deshmukh.
"I feel everyone will talk about that once they watch them on the big screen," he added.
The music of the movie, co-produced by Fox Star Studios and Vishesh Films, was launched here Tuesday night.
The video of a few songs including "Tu hi mera" and "Tera deedaar hua" were screened at the music launch.
"Jannat 2" hits theatres May 4.
Thursday, April 05, 2012 11:10 IST