Bollywood actor Nikhil Dwivedi says he is still to give the nod to a biopic on gangster Abu Salem, even though he feels it will be a
realistic take.
"I have not said yes or no to the film yet. The film is a realistic take on Abu Salem's character and will be shot in documentary
style, " Nikhil told.
The untitled project is written by Navneet Behl, who will also direct the film.
Nikhil, who started his career with "My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves", says he will agree to the project only once he is extremely
sure of it.
"Right now I have not said yes to the film. I want to be very sure before signing any film. But it's a wonderful script, which I have
read in the recent past. If things go well, I will indeed start the shoot for this film soon, " he said.
Monday, April 09, 2012 11:26 IST