Small time Bollywood actor Anuj Tikku was detained Tuesday on suspicion of killing his father Arun Kumar, police said.
Arun Kumar was found murdered Saturday.
"Anuj and his friend have been detained since the morning and are being interrogated regarding the murder of Anuj's father. Anuj
was not traceable since his father's murder Saturday, " Senior Police Inspector Dilip Rupawate told.
Arun Kumar, 62, who is based in Ghaziabad, had come to Mumbai a few days back on personal business involving his son Anuj,
who also runs a firm that deals with events, TV commercials and content for radio.
According to police, Anuj is mentally disturbed and was receiving treatment at a hospital in Jaipur for the past four-five years and
his father disapproved of him staying alone here.
Anuj had rented his apartment in suburban Andheri in northwest Mumbai to two tenants who are also missing since Saturday.
Anuj, however, claimed to be unaware of the murder.
According to police, Anuj is the prime suspect in the case and police are questioning him for mitigating evidence.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:24 IST