Shah Rukh Khan features in international chef Vikas Khanna's film that talks about food and spirituality
New York-based international chef and filmmaker Vikas Khanna's upcoming project The Moon of Eid features Shah Rukh Khan talking about spirituality and food.
It is part of the holy kitchen film series that looks at different religions and their food customs. The film aims to bind together the meaning of food in religion with the real world experience of sharing food in a spiritual
The documentary takes a look at Ramzan, the Muslim month of fasting, when adherents of Islam enjoy their favourite foods after breaking their fast at sunset and communities are drawn together in sharing the feast
foods at iftar.
Says Vikas, "I was with Shah Rukh Khan for the shoot of the film. He spoke about food and spirituality. It was an amazing experience to see him talk about his food belief in reference to iftar."
The film is slated to have a DVD release in the coming months and Vikas, who was also part of an Indian culinary show on television, is slated to be in Mumbai soon.
Adds Vikas, "We began work on the project a few month back and we took Shah Rukh Khan's inputs as well. He also gave an elaborate interview and spoke about his Eid parties. It proved to be a great source of
information from a big star."
Shah Rukh Khan with chef and filmmaker Vikas Khanna during the shoot
As the chef puts it, "When we share food in a spiritual setting, it draws us closer to our creator as well as to each other. A simple dish becomes much more than a simple bowl of food when shared with others."
The aim of the chef's project is to make people aware of the world's religious traditions that can pave the way for mutual respect.
The first film in the holy kitchen series is based on langars, the Sikh community kitchens. Other projects are based upon the food traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Judaism.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 13:43 IST