Actor Amrita Rao believes in the power of inspiration. So when she got a chance to contribute for the book, Chicken Soup for The Indian Soul - Teens Talk Growing Up, she took the opportunity to share some of her
life's experiences.
"All of us need some inspiration in life, at one time or the other, " says Amrita. She talks to CS about her literary experience:
Into the limelight
I feel glad that I got an opportunity to write in this book. My story is titled ‘The Centre Stage'. It talks about an incident from my teenage years. Back then, my friends and I used to stage these dance and drama shows
on occasions like Ganpati.
The more authoritative girls in my group always used to relegate me to the back row, as they felt that they were better dancers, and deserved to be in the front. I enjoyed
performing and used to be disappointed by this.
However, my mother told me to maintain my self-belief, and motivated me by saying that one day I would go far ahead in life than them. I took her advice and
moved ahead. Today as an actress, I am quite used to being under the centre of attraction (smiles).
It's all in the family
As a child, I enjoyed writing poems. And I used to get a huge thrill when some of them got published in children's magazines. Writing comes quite naturally to me; it's in my genes.
My great grandfather
had written a book about his experiences during India's freedom struggle. My dad has also written a book on how to stop smoking, and books on extra sensory perception.
Deadlines dilemma
I will admit that I won't be able to make a living out of writing. Recently, I wrote a series of articles for a publication. And I confess that I found it tough to submit one article per week. The thought of a deadline looming
over the head is very stressful.
I really wonder how journalists manage to file one-two stories a day. My respect for the journalist community has increased immensely post this experience.
On my bookshelf
I am not a voracious reader per se. When I pick up a book, I like to read it slowly visualising the characters, and time period in my head. As an actor, I tend to do that.
As of now, I am reading a book on Javed Akhtar
and I am enjoying it thoroughly. My parents always encouraged me to read. As a kid, I loved Panchatantra, Enid Blyton and Archies.
Friday, April 20, 2012 17:22 IST