After a one-and-a-half year break from Bollywood, Isha Koppikar is raring to be back
She is setting up a production house and is also looking at scripts, one of which is a woman-centric Marathi film. But at the same
time, she isn't averse to doing Bollywood item songs either.
Talking about the NGO she is associated with, Isha feels that the situation of women in our country has a lot of scope for
improvement as there are still cases of female foeticide taking place.
Meanwhile, Esha will also be starting her own chain of restaurants in the near future. Her hubby Timmy Narang is a restaurateur so
she would like to be part of the family business. The reason why she recently underwent a hospitality course in the US.
Monday, April 23, 2012 13:19 IST