The Delhi High Court Tuesday stayed an eviction order served on film star and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Vinod Khanna, asking him to vacate his government
bungalow here if he agreed to furnish an undertaking in the matter by March 15.
Judge Manmohan Sarin stayed the eviction order served on Khanna by the Directorate of Estates subject to his giving an undertaking to the estate officer to vacate the
premises at 4 Pandit Uma Shankar Dixit Marg by March 15.
Khanna had approached the court against the eviction order and said the alternative accommodation allotted to him at Purana Quila Road was not ready to move in to as
renovation work was still in progress there.
He was handed a letter Feb 17 that said the alternative accommodation was ready to inhabit but this was not the case, he said.
Khanna further alleged the Directorate of Estates was illegally seeking to evict him from his current premises.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005 13:49 IST