Popular TV actor Gaurav Chopra will now be seen on the silver screen in the upcoming movie "Rangbari", directed by duo
Abhimanyu Mishra and Avinash Nandan. He has just finished shooting for the film in Uttar Pradesh.
"The story is hard hitting and revolves around two major events which have been aligned together," Gaurav told.
"It talks about the dynamics of power, and revolves around a person who rises to power because he believes in doing the right
thing, in the midst of everything else," he added.
Most of the movie's cast is fresh, and the film promises to be strong in the technical and creative domain.
Ikram Akhtar, writer of "Ready", has written the film and Sanjay Masoom of "Krrish" fame, has penned the dialogues. The music
department is taken care of by Lalit Pandit.
Thursday, May 03, 2012 17:20 IST