The actor asked to wax his chest for his forthcoming sex comedy 'Kya Super Kool Hain Hum'
Bollywood has come a long way since facial and body fuzz on men was considered to be a hot quotient. Actors these days choose to sport a rather clean-shaven look on screen.
And looks like Riteish Deshmukh is the latest entrant to this not-so-exclusive group. Apparently, he was recently asked to get his chest waxed for a scene in his upcoming sex comedy.
It so happened that Riteish was required to wear his shirt with the buttons open. Director Sachin Yardi thought it'd be better if he'd shave his torso for the scene. Though the Mumbai-based actor was initially hesitant, Sachin convinced him to go for the wax!
Ultimately, he understood the requirement of the film sequence and obliged.
Says a source, "There was a scene in the film that required him to sport an open shirt. Riteish was initially skeptical about waxing his chest but was later game after the director cajoled him into it."
Friday, May 04, 2012 18:01 IST