Mumbai-based upcoming actress Rekha Rana has taken "strong objection to the inclusion of certain fully nude scenes in a brutal 12-minute rape sequence without her consent" in the film Underground.
Underground which is India's first uncut film was recently completed being shot in a bunker on the Indo-Tibetan border. It is produced and directed by Hemant Nilim Das. The film is likely to be released in end-June this year, say sources.
In a letter addressed to producer and director Hemant Nilim Das, Rekha Rana says, "At the time of shooting the film, I was told that some additional scenes were required to be shot for footage for the promos for the film.
I had agreed to shoot the very bold scenes including a 12 minute rape sequence which has some fully nude shots only on condition that they will not be used in the main body of the film but will be used for a few fleeting seconds in the promos that would be cut.
However, when I watched the first edit of the film, I was shocked to find that the nude rape sequence shots are also included in the main body of the film."
In her written letter, Rekha Rana has called upon the producer to immediately delete the concerned sequences from the film failing which she will have to move the Bombay High Court to obtain a stay order against the film or the use of the concerned footage in the film. Producer Hemant Nilim Das was unavailable for comment as he is not in Mumbai.
The story of the film revolves around the murder of an activist who was killed by alleged terrorists in the North-Eastern belt of India. The three protagonists in the film are captured by terrorists and imprisoned in an underground bunker.
A visibly upset Rekha Rana has threatened to approach various producers' associations as well as the courts in Mumbai to ensure that the so-called nude rape scenes are not part of the film. "I have been cheated, " she screamed hysterically while speaking to this reporter.
Thursday, May 10, 2012 12:15 IST