Item girl Rakhi Sawant is all praises for actor Nupur Mehta, who was accused of being involved in match-fixing in last year's World
Cup Cricket semi-final between India and Pakistan at Mohali by Britain's The Sunday Times.
Nupur was chatting up with Bollywood PR specialist Dale Bhagwagar at the Andheri hotspot Indigo in Mumbai recently, when
another of the publicist's clients Rakhi happened to walk in.
After being introduced to each other, Dale said the two controversy queens jelled fabulously well.
"So much so that Rakhi not only excitedly shared her pasta and garlic bread with Nupur, but even gave the gorgeous cricket circuit
girl loads of tips about life in Bollywood," the publicist revealed.
Rakhi told Nupur that she found her "a very intelligent and intellectual girl" and that she had "a bright future."
The newbie too was touched by Rakhi's gesture.
"You are such a down-to-earth person. Am glad we met," Nupur told Rakhi.
Friday, May 11, 2012 18:24 IST