Deepika Padukone clinches Rs 5 crore deal with a hair oil brand, all thanks to her long and lustrous locks
Most of our stars are aware of the best aspects of their physical appearance. So while some insure their favourite assets, others
leave no stone unturned to make sure they look their best, come rain or shine.
Now Deepika Padukone can thank her beautiful tresses for signing a Rs 5 crore deal with a coconut hair oil company to endorse
their brand.
The actress has maintained the length of her long hair over the years despite suggestions to trim them shorter.
Interestingly, it was only after a market research campaign that Dippy was signed on. As a result, the brand custodians
approached the actress and after a couple of meetings finalised the deal.
Our source further explains, "Deepika, who has always been very health conscious, is also very particular about her hair. That's
also why her long locks have been given due importance in the various looks she has portrayed in her brand commercials.
So while the hair care brand had listed her name among the top stars to endorse their product range, the survey results based on
public opinion further reaffirms that people feel the same too." Deepika Padukone remained unavailable for comment.
Thursday, May 17, 2012 15:18 IST