Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan on Tuesday was served a summon by Rajasthan Police to appear in a Jaipur court on a
complaint that he was seen smoking publicly in a stadium during an Indian Premier League (IPL) match.
The Bollywood actor was caught on camera smoking at Jaipur's Sawai Man Singh stadium during a match between the Kolkata
Knight Riders, the IPL team owned by him, and the Rajasthan Royals on April 8.
The court has asked the actor, known popularly as SRK, to be present for hearing on May 26
The summons were based on a complaint was filed in additional chief judicial magistrate's court on April 9 by a Jaipur resident,
Anand Singh Rathore, who alleged that despite a ban on smoking in public, the actor smoked in front of thousands of cricket fans.
According to Rathore's lawyer, who said that the police delayed serving the notice, if Khan fails to appear on May 26 or give a
reason for his absence, the court may summon him with a bailable arrest warrant.
The controversy comes just a week after the Bollywood actor was banned for five years from entering Mumbai's Wankhede
stadium after an alleged scuffle and heated arguments with staff and officials of the Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA).
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:14 IST