Actor Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha will be seen promoting their forthcoming film "Rowdy Rathore" in the popular TV serial "CID". And Akashay asserts that the television has grown so much that its reach has
become out of the ordinary.
"TV is very important. Today, it is wrong to call television small. Television is a huge medium and it has a bigger reach than films, " the 44-year-old said here Tuesday while shooting an action sequence for "CID".
When asked why he chose "CID", one of the longest running shows on TV, to promote the film, Akshay said: "Because it is a very famous programme and it is a good programme."
The lead actress of "Rowdy Rathore" Sonakshi too feels that the show has a very wide reach.
"I have a lot of friends who watch this show together, it has got a very wide reach. ACP Pradyuman (Shivaji Satam) is very famous, " the 24-year-old said.
Akshay will be seen doing some stunts in a shopping mall in the promotional episode.
Directed by Prabhu Deva, "Rowdy Rathore" hits theatres June 1.
Thursday, May 24, 2012 10:42 IST