Karan Johar's TV show, 'Koffee with Karan', has become the battleground for the Bollywood starlets. In the recent episode when Biapsha and Lara made a dazzling entry on the sets, they showed no hesitation in giving a mouthful to Amisha Patel, who earlier made a comment about her inability to pull a role like Bipasha's Jism in her movies.
"Amisha clearly lacks the body and oomph to do something like Jism," argued bong bombshell.
Lara too reacted sharply on Karan's show.
Settling the score with the gujju lass who dismissed her as 'inconsequential' Dutta said, "Amisha has found nothing as important as the many problems in her professional and personal life."
Now hear what Amisha has to say to the firebrand hotties.
"I completely agree with Bipasha. She's right - I don't have the frame for a film like Jism. I am petite and pretty, but maybe not sexy enough. I am not hot. I don't have a body like hers and I know my limitations. I think every actor fits into what they are meant to look good in.
"I know my limitations and have therefore opted for more substance-oriented roles like the one I'm doing in The Rising. Just like others can't do a Rising, Gadar, Kaho Na Pyar Hai or Humraaz, similarly I cannot justify roles where I don't fit into the look and feel of the character," she says.
On her feud with Lara she comments,"We were there together in Elaan and had a great professional
relationship. The fact is we mostly interact on the sets while shooting. After pack-up, each of us goes their separate ways. Since I don't socialise much and most of my time is spent travelling and shooting, I rarely get a chance to meet my co-stars." she says.
Seems like it's only Karan who is having fun at the moment. Hey Karan... how how about divulging some more details over a cuppa Koffee?
Saturday, March 05, 2005 16:47 IST