KKR co-owner Shah Rukh Khan again apologised for misbehaving with MCA officials at the Wankhede Stadium
Bollywood superstar and Kolkata Knight Riders co-owner Shah Rukh Khan Tuesday again apologised for misbehaving with
Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) officials at the Wankhede Stadium
"My children have told me that 'Papa, people are going to say good things and bad things, but you can't react like this'. I know that
the audience who had seen me romancing had also not liked the way I had behaved, " said Shah Rukh.
The MCA Friday slapped a ban for five years on Shah Rukh from entering the Wankhede Stadium over his alleged bad behaviour at
the stadium. Shah Rukh had allegedly misbehaved with security personnel and MCA officials Wednesday night.
Shah Rukh claimed the security guards manhandled the children he had brought to the stadium, which provoked him to protest.
"I am sorry that I gave into the weakness of behaving in a private manner on a public platform. So I apologise from my heart, I feel
that I should not have behaved like this, " he said. After KKR had won the IPL final Sunday, Shah Rukh had apologised for his
behaviour and had hoped that his fans would forgive him.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 13:20 IST