National Award winning filmmaker Mangesh Hadawale, whose second film "Dekh Indian Circus" has garnered positive response at film festivals, says his first choice for the lead actress was Rani Mukerji, but finally he
made it with Tannishtha Chatterjee.
"Before approaching Tannishtha, I had approached Rani Mukerji. She really liked the script but because of the date issue, she could not do the role. I had also approached Chitrangada Singh for the same role,"
Hadawale told.
The director says Rani's presence in the film would have helped him in reaching out to a wider audience.
"Had Rani done this film, no doubt the film would have been much bigger. With Rani's presence, the film's reach would have been wider. But somehow things didn't work out. But still I am happy, the film has been
appreciated well," Hadawale said.
"Dekh Indian Circus" also features Nawazuddin Siddiqui and it is slated for an August release. The film is said to be about the problems faced by a family staying in a village in Rajasthan and also depicts the
aspirations of rural India.
Hadawale says that the script demanded a dusky face.
"The story is based in a Rajasthani area. The people out there have a gypsy look and wear cotton fabric clothes. The entire thing was very rooted. They are extremely beautiful, but with an urban look," he said.
Hadawale's first film "Tingya" had won many awards.
Thursday, May 31, 2012 16:25 IST