Filmmaker Sanjay Gupta has dropped his plans of building a film studio near Mumbai. He feels Gujarat is where Bollywood has a
locational future.
"It's all getting too complicated and problematic," blurts out the exasperated filmmaker whose Mumbai underworld film Shootout At
Wadala, has been embroiled in a series of problems pertaining to outdoor shootings.
The decisive moment happened last week when Gupta along with his cast and crew was shooting at the Dobhi Ghat.
Recounts Gupta, "As it is we had a hard time getting permission to shoot in Dhobi Ghat, To shoot in any outdoor location of
Mumbai we've to get permission from five different government bodies.
And even then we're allowed to shoot only on
Sundays in so-called sensitive areas. Why Sundays? When all of Mumbai is out on the roads relaxing and lounging around
Mumbai. Anyway to make matters worse we are not allowed to take aerial shots of Mumbai from helicopters.
So to
shoot Anil Kapoor at Dhobi Ghat from the top I had to employ a 200-feet crane My cameraperson had to clamber up awkwardly
and dangerously to get that shot from the top. "
Gupta thinks it is all unnecessarily prohibitive and ultimately self-defeating. "The Mumbai authorities feel it is a security threat for
us filmmakers to shoot the city from helicopters. I want to ask them how they can control the outflow of topographical visuals in
this era of Google. "
As far as shooting in Mumbai is concerned Gupta feels the city is going the Los Angeles way. "It become a gathering struggle for
Hollywood's filmmakers to shoot in LA. A time can when they stopped completely. And Vancouver in Canada become a substitute
for LA. "
Gupta sees the same situation in Mumbai in the not-too-distant future. "It's not just the difficulties in getting the permission to
shoot in Mumbai. It's also the two political organizations the Shiv Sena and the MNS. Either of the two are at liberty to barge in on
any set or location and stop the shooting. "
Gupta has decided to put a stop to his plans of setting up a shooting studio near Mumbai. "I bought land in Karjat and I was going
ahead full-steam with plans. But now I've decided against it. Gujarat is the place where Bollywood will eventually be shooting.
They're welcoming us with both arms. "
Monday, June 04, 2012 13:24 IST