Filmmaker R. Balakrishnan aka Balki, who presented Amitabh Bachchan in unimaginable roles in "Cheeni Kum" and "Paa", is
gearing up to explore one more side of the megastar in his next, which is expected to go on the floors by the end of the year.
"I am writing a film with Amitji. It will explore one more side of Amitji. He is my dream actor, so I wouldn't do anything that I
wouldn't want to see about him," Balki told.
"I can't talk much about the film right now. It's too early," he added.
Asked about the shooting of the film, Balki said: "Hopefully, by the end of this year we will start the film. We will be shooting the
entire film in India."
There were reports that Big B is not taking too many projects post his surgery, but Balki cleared it saying, "He is absolutely fine."
In "Cheeni Kum" Big was seen as a sixty plus confirmed bachelor who falls in love with a thirty plus girl, played by Tabu. "Paa"
saw him as a progeria patient.
Monday, June 04, 2012 13:29 IST