Ranbir Kapoor was all of six when his legendary grandfather, Bollywood actor-filmmaker Raj Kapoor passed away in 1988. On the
latter's 24th death anniversary Saturday, the young actor shared vivid memories of being pampered by him with toffees.
"Raj Kapoorji passed away when I was very young. I was six years old. My favourite film of his is 'Shree 420'," Ranbir said here.
Ranbir has some 'sweet' tales to tell of his experiences with his grandpa, who held sway over the Hindi film industry producing,
directing and acting in successful movies like "Barsaat" (1949), "Awaara" (1951) and "Chori Chori" (1956).
"I still remember he used to call us to his room... including me. All my cousins -- Kareena and others from Delhi -- used to come,"
the 29-year-old said.
"He used to call us to the room and he used to have all the toffees with him. We all used to sit down and he used to ask us to
perform. And getting that one toffee was a very big deal," he added.
Raj Kapoor died of complications related to asthma at the age of 63.
Monday, June 04, 2012 13:43 IST