Sonam Kapoor will turn 27 Saturday and the actress has asked her fans for a special gift on her birthday this year.
She has collaborated with Ogaan Cancer Foundation to create awareness about breast cancer and is requesting fans to donate for the cause.
"Two days to my birthday guys! Please donate generously, " she tweeted.
Sonam recently lost her aunt Mona Kapoor to cancer.
"It is my privilege to be associated with Ogaan Cancer Foundation and play a part in spreading breast cancer awareness. Everyone seems to know someone with breast cancer - I lost an aunt to it. I'm very happy to support the OCF team, which has shown earnestness and a sense of dedicated purpose.
"I hope I can make a difference in my own way. Therefore this year on my birthday I urge friends, family and fans who wish to gift me to do so by donating to this cause, " she further posted.
Friday, June 08, 2012 16:27 IST