Having struggled for 14 years in Bollywood, actor Nawazzuddin Siddiqui says he is finding it hard to deal with his new found fame post 'Kahaani'. The actor has been on a roll since playing Khan in Sujoy Ghosh's
His three films as lead star --Anurag Kashyap's two-part drama 'Gangs of Wasseypur' and 'Miss Lovely' were screened at Cannes recently. Siddiqui has nine films including Kashyap's ambitious 'Wasseypur' and 'Dekh
Indian Circus' in the pipeline.
While he is happy with all the attention and success, it has started bothering him a little. "I am comfortable with the attention and adulation that has come my way since 'Kahaani' but everything is happening so fast.
Somehow now all this has started bothering me.
Everyone has started talking about how I will do in next film, whether my performance would be as good as my earlier films. "There is pressure and I don't like it. For me work and fame are two different departments and
one should not encroach upon the the territory of the other," Nawazuddin told.
Siddiqui faced rejection and was told time and again to ditch his acting dream because of his average looks but the actor slowly made his way to the front with powerful performances in films like "Peepli Live", "Paan
Singh Tomar" and "Kahaani".
He is well aware of the fickle nature of fame and does not want to lose his focus from acting. "Fame is temporary. I may be the talking point now, but that might not be the case forever. I don't want all this to get into my
head because that will affect my performance and if it ever does, I will feel very guilty.
I just want to focus right now and do even better than my previous films." The NSD graduate recently bagged the best actor award at 12th annual New York Indian Film Festival for "Dekh Indian Circus".
Friday, June 08, 2012 19:22 IST