Adnan Sami will feature in Divya Khosla Kumar's big screen directorial debut. Bhushan Kumar's wife's project is slated to roll later
this year. But it is not the first time that Divya would be giving instructions to the singer-composer. The reason being she had
directed a lot of music videos for Adnan.
Says Divya, "I have known him for a long time now and want him to do a cameo. Adnan is a dear friend. It would be lovely to have
someone as warm and talented as he is on board." Interestingly, the last time Adnan acted in a film was back in 1995. It was for a
Pakistani movie Sargam in which he co-starred with his ex-wife Zeba Bakhtiar. He never acted again.
He was supposed to make his Bollywood debut with Bela Bhansali Sehgal's directorial debut in 2007 but the film never
materialised. Adnan had even managed a complete makeover by losing 90 kilos at that time.
Furthermore, Bela is all
set to mark her delayed entry as a director with her upcoming movie starring Boman Irani and Farah Khan.
Monday, June 11, 2012 14:02 IST