Bollywood actress Amrita Rao, who will be next seen opposite Boman Irani in the upcoming "Jolly L.L.B", wonders why no Bengali film offers are coming her way. "I am happy the way 'Jolly L.L.B' has turned up with
two fabulous co-stars like Boman and Arshad (Warsi)
Please watch out for their performances, " said the 31-year-old actress. Asked if she would be seen in any Bengali films in future, the "Vivah" star said she was keen to work with directors from the state as they are
known and praised for their creativity.
"I am willing to work in a movie directed by a filmmaker from here. But there has not been any feedback so far. I like watching Bengali film DVDs with sub-titles, " said Rao, who was her to attend a URO group event.
Rao, who has visited the city more than once in past, said that her trip would have been incomplete without the 'darshan' of the goddess at Dakshineswar, in this 'City of Kali'.
"This time I find the
temperature really hot but that is cool considering the warmth of people I meet here, that is electrifying, " she said.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 13:44 IST