Actor-filmmaker Rohit Roy says Bipasha Basu has given a heads up for his next directorial venture, a remake of 1982 classic
"Bipasha loved the script and agreed to do the film... But can't confirm when we go on floors as the casting is still in progress, "
tweeted Rohit, who has earlier directed "Rice Plate", one of the 10 short films in "Dus Kahaniyaan".
The original "Shaukeen", directed by Basu Chatterjee, featured three old men, essayed by Ashok Kumar, Utpal Dutt and A.K. Hangal
who go on an outing and try to impress a young girl, played by Rati Agnihotri. Mithun Chakraborty plays her boyfriend in the film.
Monday, June 18, 2012 13:40 IST