Actor Amitabh Bachchan on Thursday said the film Black, in which he portrayed the role of a teacher of a blind girl, sends a strong message that pinnacles can be attained despite heavy odds.
"Black is far from black. It is very colourful, uplifting and full of determination.It sends a message to everyone who wants to reach the pinnacle in life," Bachchan said.
Stating that the film has been a unique experience for him, the superstar said director Sanjay Leela Bhansali was able to portray in the film exactly what his (Bhansali's) vison was.
"A lot of recognition needs to be given to Michelle, the character (played by Rani Mukherjee) of a blind and deaf and dumb girl in the film, who despite all odds, challenges and stumbling blocks, succeeded because she had a will to succeed," Bachchan said.
Asked whether the film would be nominated for Oscar,Bachchan said 'I don't know'.
He was speaking at the launch of power bills in braille by the city power utility Reliance energy.
Friday, March 11, 2005 15:40 IST