The latest song released in 'Cocktail' movie by Saif Ali Khan is sheer cheating with music lovers. The Director, Homi Adajania has unabnashedly signed Arif Lohar, who is the son of late Alam Lohar of Pakistan, to sing
this popular folk song.
Arif became popular with this song after he was featured by Coke Studio Pakistan, a popular TV programme where upcoming singers are given the opportunity to showcase their
This song is already poular with the music lovers, especially in North India. The extended version of this song has been sung by Arif Lohar in wedding parties in India. He charges phenomenol amount for these functions
and his graph is bound to go up after the release of this movie.
But the fact that the music director in Pritam's repute who enjoys huge goodwill didn't even care to change the lyrics of the song elevates to ruthless legalized plagiarism.
It is pertinent to mention here that
"Angreji Beat" (Punjabi song) sung by Gippy Grewal featuring Yo Yo Honey Singh, originally from Honey Singh's International Villager's released in November 2011, will also be used in the film.
Wednesday, July 04, 2012 13:22 IST