The Lucknow police have learnt that one Mushtaque, the main accused in the murder of a bakery owner Anil Kumar Jaiswal, had a
dispute with the victim over money earned through betting on Bigg Boss 5 and IPL matches. Jaiswal was shot dead in Mahanagar
this week, while Mushtaque is absconding.
According to the police, Jaiswal, his neighbour Mushtaque and one R.K. Sahu, were involved in a ‘betting racket' being run by a
Ghaziabad-based bookie. The victim had allegedly won Rs 2.5 lakh from betting in IPL cricket matches and Bigg Boss Season 5.
This incident brings to memory the shocking revelation made by Bollywood PR guru and Bigg Boss specialist Dale Bhagwagar, last
The publicist had disclosed that during Bigg Boss Season 5, he was constantly getting calls from a person claiming to be an
"affluent businessman from Orissa" indulging in "betting" on Bigg Boss, which happens to be India's biggest reality show.
Dale had mentioned that the businessman called and messaged him several times, trying to persuade him to part with information
about the show and his participating clients. After declining several times, the publicist ultimately warned the person of a police
complaint, after which he stopped calling.
Thursday, July 05, 2012 15:17 IST