Bollywood actor Kashmera Shah was reportedly chases into a secluded garage area of her building Oberoi Springs in Mumbai by six men in two cars on Friday evening.
Her publicist Dale Bhagwagar said the men got out charging at her, surrounded her and tried to attacked her, verbally abused and threatened her.
When she began screaming at them, calling security guards, the six guys ran away in their cars.
But as they fled, Kashmera managed to click the number plate of one of their cars with her cellphone, said Dale.
She will scheduled to file a complaint on Saturday afternoon at Oshiwara Police Station, but the six men reportedly landed up at her society in the morning and apologized for the incident.
After much deliberation, Kashmera decided to forgive them and did not file the police complaint, said Dale.
Monday, July 09, 2012 12:58 IST