The latest trend in Bollywood is "the Rs.100 crore ($22 million) club", but director Homi Adajania says he doesn't understand the concept, adding that the Monday collection decides a film's fate at the box office.
His second directorial venture "Cocktail", starring big names like Saif Ali Khan and Deepika Padukone is releasing Friday.
"I don't feel the pressure. I don't know what Rs.100 crore club means. I don't mind if someone gives me Rs. 100 crore, but I want to tell a simple story. It doesn't matter. The pressure is there in the sense that someone else's money is at stake, so you make sure that you make a good film, " Adajania told.
The director, who debtued with not so successful dark movie "Being Cyrus, " further added that he did his best he could and that he doesn't "have any other pressure or worry because it is not in my control. It is pointless worrying about something that is not in your control."
Recently "Singham" and "Rowdy Rathore" joined the Rs.100 crore club.
Adajania believes it is Monday collection that decides a film's fate at the box office.
"I think Monday decides the battle not Friday and Saturday. Monday is when it takes its own first steps. And then it is not in your control, it is all about what the content is and whether the audience is enjoying it or not. There is a concept of big opening, which is a certain amount of safety. Don't ask me about business and all, " he said.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 12:18 IST