Akshay Kumar has been shocked to hear that a woman in Bihar sold her four-month-old son for Rs.62.40 and says that it is saddening to see such "abject poverty in a resourceful country like
"When I saw Rs.62 trending on twitter, I thought it must be either the reduced petrol price or some new scam of Rs.62 crore, but good lord! Shocked to know about a woman who sold her infant for Rs.62, " the 42-year
-old tweeted.
"I knew life was cheap in India but not this low, shows the sad reality of our country. Such abject poverty in such a resourceful country, " he added.
The incident took place Thursday at a local railway station, close to the Nepal border in Bihar's Araria district, where Shannu Khatun sold her kid.
Monday, July 16, 2012 14:21 IST