For the next two years it's going to be a long-distance marriage for filmmaker Nikhil Advani. His wife Suparna has left for a two-year course at the Harvard Kennedy School in Boston, leaving their daughter Keya in his
Unusual arrangement.
"Why?" Advani counters. "And I'm quite capable of looking after our daughter. Suparna has got a wonderful opportunity.And I'd have certainly not wanted her to miss the chance of attending such a prestigious college
just because she has family responsibilities."
Nikhil and daughter Keya accompanied Suparna to Boston to settle her in to her new life and her home for the next couple of years.
Says Nikhil, "Keya and I have just returned from Boston. We had the most wonderful time.No, Keya didn't create a fuss. She knew her mother was on to something really big in her life."
Now back home Nikhil needs to play housekeeper and filmmaker. He starts shooting his next film from September. So looking after their 7-year old daughter is going to be tough.
Nikhil disagrees. "I've always been a very hands-on parent.I spend as much time with my daughter as possible. It will be tough to direct a movie and play both father and mother to our daughter. But like I said, my wife
is doing something that we as family are very proud of. No sacrifice is too large."
Nikhil has house-help. But he insists while his wife is away studying their daughter is his sole responsibility. "It's like this. If I had to go away would Suparna not look after our daughter?"
Friday, July 20, 2012 14:38 IST