Tusshar Kapoor is the latest actor to get stalked. One of his crazy fans Shikha from New Delhi keeps following him whenever he is in
the capital
Recently she not only stood outside his hotel but also gave him a cake and flowers.
Yup, Tushki does have his share of
female fans believe it or not!
Ekta knows tricks of the trade
Tusshar is impressed with his sister Ekta Kapoor's business sense, and says she has understood the tactics of survival in the
industry after years of hard work.
"Ekta has learnt the tricks of the trade, but there is a lot of hard work too which she put in all these years. She has come to a stage
where now she knows she has got a good team and now she can go ahead. One takes time to understand a business, " Tusshar
The 35-year-old agrees that after churning out films like "Kyaa Kool Hai Hum" and "The Dirty Picture", his home production Balaji
Motion Pictures has become popular for its bold films. He feels proud such films have been a hit with the masses.
"A lot of our films have been bold and they have done as well. There is a way to mix commercial and art and that is what Ekta has
learnt to do, " he said.
Tusshar plans to follow his sister's footsteps, and wants to produce a film as well. But he's waiting for a good corporate tie-up with a
nice director and script.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 12:00 IST