Just hours after walking the ramp as a showstopper for ace designer Nazia Syed, Bollywood newbie Evelyn Sharma was spotted club-hopping with Tamil actor-turned-filmmaker Dhanush K Raja; as the Kolaveri Di boy turned 29 this week.
A birdie tells us that ever since Evelyn visited Chennai for the inauguration of a gymnasium last month, she has become good friends with the `Why This Kolaveri Di` (Why This Murderous Rage, Girl?) boys - music composer Anirudh Ravichander and actor-writer-singer Dhanush.
After the two had flown down to Mumbai for Evelyn's birthday bash a few days ago; she returned the gesture by heading to Chennai for Dhanush's birthday bash this week. We even got to know that the boys took her on a club-hopping tour with a bunch of friends celebrating Dhanush's birthday in pomp and style, while they all danced the night away in maddening frenzy.
The half-German half-Indian Evelyn has already signed five movies before her debut this week with the comedy From Sydney With Love. Wonder if this new-found friendship with Anirudh and Dhanush will add a Tamil movie to her over-flowing kitty!
Monday, July 30, 2012 15:06 IST