Director Kabir Khan is certainly thrilled with the response of his next big film, Ek Tha Tiger. He is going all the way to promote this action packed film starring one of the most wanted jodi of Bollywood, Salman Khan &
Katrina Kaif.
The trailers and the songs have been extremely well received as people can't stop raving about the Tiger. So for all the curious Ek Tha Tiger fans, Kabir Khan is going to answer all your questions today from 4 pm to 5
pm on Twitter.
Kabir will respond to all the questions with the hash tag #EkThaTiger. This Twintterview with Kabir Khan will enable fans to interview Kabir Khan and ask him anything they want to know about Ek Tha Tiger and its
making. This interview will be live on the official Ek Tha Tiger's official twitter handle - @EkThaTiger
Friday, August 03, 2012 13:10 IST