Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan, who recently attended the 2012 London Olympics, says countrymen should be proud of all Indian sportspersons who have made it to the world's biggest sporting extravaganza,
irrespective of whether they bring back any medal or not.
"I'm very 'proud' of each and every Indian Olympian! It's a huge matter of pride and honour for the nation to simply qualify for the Olympics," Abhishek tweeted.
The actor flew to London to be a part of the sporting event as the brand ambassador of Omega watches, the official sponsors of the Games. Abhishek was vexed when a journalist asked him if he was"angry" with
India's performance at the Olympics.
He believes it is important to encourage sportspersons rather than demoralising them.
"We should be encouraging our sportsmen/women, not continuously demoralising them with negativity. They've made it to the Olympics...thats HUGE! Regardless of whether they win or not, they've already made the
nation proud."
"The encouragement and positivity the British team receives from their public and media is amazing and something to learn from," he added.
When Indian boxer Vijender Singh lost out in the quarter-finals earlier this week, Abhishek's father, megastar Amitabh Bachchan, was among those who egged him on.
"Well fought Vijender! You have done the country and all of us proud," he wrote.
Thursday, August 09, 2012 11:48 IST