Prakash Jha, who has managed to put together an ensemble cast for "Satyagrah", says that he is lucky to have Amitabh Bachchan, Ajay Devgn Kareena Kapoor, Arjun Rampal and Manoj Bajpayee playing important
roles in a film that focuses on corruption in the country.
"Today, it seems that the middle-class all over the world is in anguish with the system and is gearing up to almost renegotiate democracy. This is where our history is going to be settled. It's such an important juncture
in the world history, " Jha told.
"There is corruption of wealth and power and it seems that the course of history is going to be settled. I'm extremely fortunate to have a dream cast of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, Ajay, Kareena, Arjun and Manoj playing the
key roles, " he added.
Scheduled to go on the floors in January next year, "Satyagrah" will address the ethos of a peaceful mass protest against corruption.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 11:24 IST