Model and actress Rashmi Nigam has been busy shooting for ad campaigns in recent past few months. The pretty lass is doing a role in the latest Kareena Kapoor film and is quite excited about the same.
`Kareena is my favourite actress and to see her daily and work with her was a dream come true, ` she says. With her lovely complexion and hourglass figure, Rashmi spoke to CS about her beauty and fitness regime:
In the rains, the skin pores have to work doubly harder as they are open because of the moisture in the rain. I always use an alcohol free toner to make my pores tight, yet it's gentle on my skin. Also, I use an oil free moisturiser for the face and a light lotion for the body.
Tress stress
`It's the humidity people.` I'm like Monica in Friends - frizz central! So I use a sulphate free shampoo and conditioner and finish off with an anti-frizz serum. I try to let my hair dry naturally as much as I can as it helps to avoid heat styling hair tools. I pamper my hair with a deep conditioning hair spa once a month.
Fit and fine
I have really started taking care of my body. I hit the gym five times a week, alternating between weight training and cardio and I do yoga for strength and flexibility. My diet is now just proteins from meat and carbs from vegetables. I have eliminated all processed food, starch and refined sugar, though I do indulge moderately once a week.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 11:58 IST